The right way to enjoy.make people
Becky, Luke and Paul. Here is "who is Belupa". We are 3 people with experience in different sectors who have joined their minds and forces to create this new sex shop. Our idea is to create a site where anyone can feel "at home" or in any case not embarrassed about their sexual tastes/ short, a 100% inclusive site.
Who we are
As mentioned above, we are 3 people, each specialized in a specific sector. By joining our forces (and minds) we were able to create, a 100% inclusive site, where everyone is free to feel free. In fact, our catalog is able to satisfy almost all sexual pleasures and tastes. In the same way we have created and trained our customer support, ready to help you and not judge you. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you!
Can't find what's right for you? Let's talk and we will find a solution!
Our history

The year of the turning point. It goes on stage. For real. The idea that had been written, somewhat as a joke, on a post-it has become reality. Our catalog will initially have more than 1500 products and is expected to grow.

2022 was one of the most important years. Market analysis, study of products, suppliers, competitors, etc, etc... in short, a year of study to get off to a good start.

Towards the end of 2021, after various comparisons between the 3 founders, the phantom decision was reached: ok, let's do it!

It was about mid-2021 when Belupa went from being a ′′ simple idea ′′ to something written on a piece of paper. On a post-it, to be exact. Our Team didn't exist yet, but in the mind of one of us, the pieces of this "puzzle" were already there, they just had to be put in the right order.